The Countryside and Community Foundation is a UK registered charitable trust (registered no. 803411) which supports research into rural and community issues by providing grant funding to junior researchers, research students, and others involved in this area of research.
The charitable objects of the Foundation are:
To assist in the funding of post-graduate education, particularly of research students, and research into the countryside economy, the countryside environment and the countryside community, and to publish the results of such research in Britain and member states of the European Community.
Grants can support the direct costs of carrying out research, or may support the researchers living costs in order to enable them to do the research.
All grants awarded by the Trustees are selected based on their reflection of the the Foundation’s aims and objectives, and how they meet both the needs of the researcher and the issue being researched. Where outputs of research are specific to a grant, the Trustees require that this output be made ‘Open Access’ to ensure the greatest possible benefit.
Grants provided by the Countryside and Community Foundation support the continuity of research and researchers in this area of research for the benefit of society as a whole.
If you would like to apply for a grant, please respond to grant calls which will be found below and in other media, which will be assessed by the Trustees.
For further information or if you are considering making an application, please contact either or, Trustees, in advance.
If you would like to make a donation, please send a cheque made payable to ‘The Countryside and Community Foundation’ care of the CCRI, or contact for details to make an electronic payment.