Meet the academic staff, professionals, associates and postgraduate students involved in CCRI.
Academic and professional staff
At CCRI, we have a wealth of academic staff from a range of institutes carrying out research into the countryside and community, supported by professional staff.

Postgraduate students
We have a vibrant and international postgraduate student environment covering a range of subjects.

Advisory board
As an active and externally-focused Institute, the CCRI’s staff recognise the importance of ensuring that its work is both relevant and forward-looking, as well as being widely disseminated among research and practitioner communities. As such, we believe it is essential for CCRI to have an Advisory Board to help guide and inform our future strategy, as well as to support our effective operation.
The board has a membership that combines our formal HEI strategic leadership with the insights of other key collaborative partners in HEI, as well as a range of respected and authoritative figures from contrasting but relevant rural ‘communities of practice’. The Board thereby helps to ensure that CCRI’s work continues to be relevant, is recognised and adds maximum value to the identification, analysis and resolution of rural issues in policy and practice; and that the CCRI is institutionally resilient.