View our seminar series and upcoming events.
CCRI Seminar Series
As an international centre of research excellence, the CCRI seminar series aims to encourage and welcome speakers from a broad range of academic, policy and stakeholder backgrounds. The series, which has become an integral component of CCRI, is open to all, and is a flexible vehicle for the dissemination of research and discussion of policy and practice in a broad range of topics such as agriculture, society, food and environmental issues. It offers the individual an opportunity to present their work in a friendly setting, amongst academics that have a genuine passion and interest in the furthering of knowledge.
We often have international speakers that complement the internal and national academics that regularly present research activities that all contribute to knowledge transfer within the region and amongst our extensive networks.
Seminars normally begin at 12:15pm and run for around one hour.
View our upcoming events on Eventbrite
Booking information
Please book through Eventbrite to avoid disappointment, and to ensure that you receive attendance information or links to online seminars, and any important changes that we may have to make.
All visitors and participants at the seminar series should note that as with all of our public events, recordings will be made during seminars and of Q&A sessions for use in our communication materials.
For more information regarding this series, please email