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BSc (Lycée Saint-Louis), MSc (AgroParisTech) in farming science, agri-economics and agricultural policy
Theo is a PhD student at the University of Gloucestershire. His PhD is a partnership between the CCRI, the Welsh Government (through the Environmental Evidence Program) and the CCF (Community and Countryside Foundation) aiming at assessing the impact of the Post-Brexit environment (policy and trade) on the Welsh farm’s choice of evolution.
His PhD examines the landscape and the impact at a community level, including from an economic perspective. He is supervised by Professor Janet Dwyer (CCRI), S. Devienne (AgroParisTech), Chris Short (CCRI), K. Watts (Welsh Government) and Dr. P. Williams (Bangor University). Theo’s PhD is multidisciplinary, bridging the gaps between farming sciences, social sciences and agri-economics.
To study this subject, he is using a French method called “Agrarian Diagnosis”, which is a fieldwork-based approach to farming research (Cochet and Devienne, 2005). Conducting this sort of work in several focus areas across Wales will help develop a better understanding of farming evolution and how they may be affected by different factors, for example how farms will fare after Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic. This will help inform new agricultural policy, at a time when Wales is gaining more independence in its agricultural policy design. It is therefore very important to hear the experiences and views of farmers in Wales. It means closely studying selected focus areas through fieldwork, to understand how and why agriculture has evolved through time (e.g., impacts of the landscape, policy, economy…). Because farming is a complex subject, the goal is to fully appreciate how the impacts of such factors vary between different areas and farm types.
Theo has finished doing most of his fieldwork for his PhD; working on North Wales and the Vale of Clwyd, where he applied the same approach as he did when working in South Pembrokeshire in 2019. He is trying to deliver findings at regular intervals to inform on future developments in farming to a wide range of stakeholders.
Conference papers
- Lenormand, T., Dwyer, J. and Devienne, S. (Forthcoming) ‘Different shades of green? Differentiation of hill farming in North Wales, what will be the impact of the future Welsh Agricultural policy?’ , Annual Conference of The Agricultural Economics Society 2022
- Lenormand, T., Dwyer, J. and Devienne, S. (2021) ‘Liberalized land market and gradual subsidy decoupling; competition between farms and challenge for the agro-ecological transition. A case study in different agricultural regions of Wales’, 15th JRSS – Research Days in Social Sciences, Toulouse, 09/12/2021. See further information
- Lenormand, T., Dwyer, J. and Devienne, S. (2021) ‘Impact of agricultural policy (1992-2020) on a Welsh lowland landscape (UK): A widening gap between farms under the future Welsh Policies?’, Annual Conference of The Agricultural Economics Society 2021. DOI: 10.22004/ag.econ.312069
- James N, Bean C, Kaczor K, Short C, Hafferty C, Hobbs S, Lenormand T, Malekinezhad F, Morse A, Nolan T and Breyer J (2021) The role of English agri-environment schemes in managing geological SSSIs, Report to Defra/Natural England. LUC: London.
- Short C, James N, Breyer J, Urquhart J, Roberts V, Lenormand T, Hickman M and Staddon P (2020) Assessment of the adaptive capacity of Agri-Environment Schemes to respond the impacts of climate change, Report to Defra/Natural England. Countryside and Community Research Institute: Cheltenham.
- Lenormand, T., (2019) Agrarian Diagnosis of South Pembrokeshire – South West wales (United Kingdom) General Synthesis. Masters thesis, AgroParis Tech.
- Chiswell, H., Mills, J., Lewis, N., Lenormand, T., Gaskell, P. and Leake, B. (2019) AES self-monitoring and evidence: challenges and opportunities. A behavioural analysis. Countryside and Community Research Institute: Cheltenham.
Other activities
- Morse, A. and Lenormand, T., (2022) Agriculture’s role in fostering resilient rural communities. National Innovation Centre Rural Enterprise. See further information
- Lenormand, T., (2021) Farms and Climate Change, how to take back control? System logic, margins and known biologic processes are the key. Rural Geography Research Group Blog. See further information.
- Short, C., Goodwin-Hawkins, B., Lenormand, T., (2021). What will ending the Basic Payment Scheme mean for Gloucestershire? [WWW Document]. Gloucestershire LNP. See further information
- Lenormand, T., (2021) Farming in the Upper Dee Vale, Should I stay or should I go? Regional Studies Association. See further information
- Lenormand, T, (2020) Covid 19 Crisis Short part 3 – Short of Milk, Short of Cash – Blog Post about the milk crisis and COVID-19, including data/analysis from his MSc research in South Pembrokeshire.
- Agricultural Economics Society
- Société Francaise d’Economie Rurale (French Society of Rural Economics)