This week two new PhD students took up residency in CCRI.
Melissa Affleck and Dilshaad Bundhoo will also be acting as research assistants on a variety of projects within CCRI and have both recently moved to the area after having finished post-graduate studies.
This time of year in CCRI is often quite quiet, so with the favourable weather it has been a gentle introduction into the institute. Melissa and Dilshaad have each provided a short introduction about themselves and their areas of study.
“I’ve just started at the CCRI, working 50/50 as a Research Assistant and undertaking a PhD. For my PhD I’m planning on exploring the topic of sustainable flood management, and in particular, knowledge and engagement with sustainable flood management at the community level. So, it looks like I’ll be doing lots of talking to lots of farmers! I’ve just moved to Gloucester from Maidenhead, so I’m excited to get out and learn more about the area especially in all of this glorious sunshine!”
“I have just moved in from France to join the CCRI team as Research Assistant and PhD student in Environmental Dynamics and Governance.. Basically, I am a chemist who’s graduated in Sustainable Development and further in Social and Political Sciences specialising in Gift theory as developed by the MAUSS. So from an anti-Utilitarian perspective, I’ll be investigating the role of cooperatives in answering sustainably to socioeconomic needs of local stakeholders in the North African region mainly. 3rd day at work and all’s just lovely!”