Last updated: 10 June 2022
All applications must have due regard for the charitable objects of the Foundation:
To assist in the funding of post-graduate education, particularly of research students, and research into the countryside economy, the countryside environment and the countryside community, and to publish the results of such research in Britain and member states of the European Community.
All applications should demonstrate an awareness of the Foundation’s Terms and Conditions.
Eligible costs
- Student living costs
- Student Fees
- Directly incurred costs of research, excluding pay costs
- Cost of publication of research funded by the Foundation
- Attendance at conferences to present research funded by the Foundation
Applicants should state the full cost of the activities that they are seeking funding for. However, The Foundation will only fund up to 50% of these costs and the applicant must state where the remaining funding is being sought from. Payments will only be initiated when the co-funding has been confirmed by the applicant.
There is no specified format for applications. However, the following headings are expected to be responded to where applicable:
- Aim and Objectives
- Method
- Publication and dissemination
- Costs (itemised)
- Phased budget by year (1 April to 31 March)
- Co-funding
- Impact
- Charitable Benefit (what difference the funding will make)
Submitting your application
Applications should be submitted to Chris Rayfield via email:
Calls close at midnight of the advertised date. Unless otherwise stated Grants will commence on 1 April.
Assessing your application
The Trustees will evaluate all applications and provide grants to those which best meet the Foundations objectives, within the limitations of the funding available. The Trustees may seek external review of applications as a part of the process.
The decision of the Trustees is final and cannot be appealed. Feedback will be provided to unsuccessful applicants.
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