FiPL Participants Survey – Information for Participants

About the research

ICF and CCRI, University of Gloucestershire have been commissioned by Defra to undertake this project: “Farming in Protected Landscapes”. The project seeks to capture experiences of those participating in the FiPL programme, as well as understanding why others did not participate.

A key part of our work therefore is this short, telephone survey which we anticipate will take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Broadly the survey will explore (a) your experience of FiPL so far; and (b) how you feel about what the programme, and specifically your project is trying to achieve. Before you decide whether to take part in the survey, it is important you understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following FAQs and then decide whether you want to take part. Information provided on this page covers a number of issues:

Who are the CCRI?

The CCRI, within the University of Gloucestershire, is a specialist rural research institute working at the interface of agriculture, society and the environment. Learn more about the institute here: 

The survey will be administered by our trusted third-party sub-contractor, Marketing Means. Learn more about them here:

How will I know it’s Marketing Means calling?

We appreciate getting a call from a number you do not recognise can make people apprehensive. Marketing Means will call you from an 01364 number.

Do I have to answer then and there?

We also appreciate the timing of the call might be inconvenient. Call handlers will happily arrange to call back at a later date/time – so please do let them know. If they do not get answer from you after 5-10 attempts, they will stop ringing. If you do not wish to participate, please tell them or email and we can ensure you are not bothered by further calls for this round of the survey.

Why am I being asked to participate?

The survey is an important part of achieving our project objectives. It is important to know about the ease of participating in the programme, individuals’ motivations for participation, and how they are finding it. This is useful information to feedback to the programme, to ensure it can be improved.

If I participate, what is my survey data going to be used for?

Survey data will be used by us at the CCRI and ICF to write a report which evaluates the FiPL programme. This report will be sent to Defra and eventually made publicly available. We may also publish academic articles using the survey data.

Any personal data (e.g. your name, phone number, address) used will be for recruitment purposes ONLY and any survey responses will not be linked to your name or other identifiable details. Personal data will be held both securely and confidentially in line with our GDPR requirements. These details will only be held for as long as operationally necessary; they will be deleted at the end of the project.

Personal data will be accessed via password protected devices.

Survey responses will be anonymous throughout any reporting. Most survey answers you give us will be in numeric form, e.g. on a scale of 1-5, or 1-10, so you will not be identifiable from this. Where you give us an open response (i.e. words instead of numbers) we will either (1) reduce that response down to a category or number, or (2) use the response as a quote BUT making sure we have removed / reduced any identifiable information, e.g. farm names, farm size, names of FiPL officers, descriptions of locations. This will ensure you cannot be identified from the response.

Anonymised survey responses may be kept indefinitely and used for future research.

Do I have to take part?

No. It is entirely up to you whether you decide to participate. If you decide not to participate this will not be made known to the Protected Landscape, nor will in anyway impact your FiPL grant or eligibility for future rounds of FiPL funding.

What are the possible benefits of participation?

This commission offers a unique opportunity to feedback your experiences of FiPL. This may help improve the programme for you and others in the future.

Are there any risks?

The main risk is being identified in any reporting, but by storing your personal details separately from your survey responses and ensuring that any survey responses are completely anonymised, we are confident this is unlikely to happen. Do let our team know if you’re particularly concerned about being identified.

Can I change my mind?

Yes. You can withdraw from the survey process at any time during the survey and your responses up until that point will be deleted. After completing the survey you have up to 30 days from the day you participated with withdraw all of your responses or revise / omit particular responses. After the 30 days you will no longer be able to do this. Please email to withdraw / discuss any concerns.

Will I remain anonymous if I take part? Will my responses be held confidentially?

As above, results will be anonymised before being reported, with any (direct or indirect) identifiable details removed or reduced. Although we are bound by confidentiality, we may be required to disclose confidential information regarding their participants to the appropriate authorities when required by law or if there is a special duty to report.

Who has reviewed this research for ethical clearance?

The survey has been approved by the University of Gloucestershire School of Natural and Social Sciences (NSS) Ethics Committee and steps have been taken to ensure the survey (and the wider research) fully complies with the necessary personal data management procedures in place at the University (more info:

What if I have any questions / concerns?

Please email the research team ( or phone 01242 715314.

If you wish to talk to Defra directly about the FiPL survey, please email

Alternatively, please contact the University of Gloucestershire NSS Ethics Lead (Dr Dani Stephens-Lewis