The CCRI is part of a consortium that received funding for a Horizon 2020 research project entitled: SUFISA – Sustainable finance for sustainable agriculture and fisheries. The CCRI is playing a pivotal role in the project, being responsible for work-package number two (WP2).
The work-package involves running a producer survey across 22 regions of the EU, each of which will involve up to 300 producers. This will result in a large database that will be subjected to a comparative cross-regional econometric and descriptive analysis.
Damian Maye and Mauro Vigani are currently in Portugal, presenting an update on progress to date on the overall work package, as well as what needs to be done in the next few months. The project meeting is taking place in the historic world heritage site of Evora, 100 km SE of Lisbon in Portugal. The meeting runs from 25-27th January 2017.

Drs James Kirwan, Damian Maye and Mauro Vigani are working on this project.
Follow Sufisa on Twitter @sufisa_eu