Over the past 3 years, the CCRI has been leading the main work package for a EU FP7 funded project called ‘VALERIE’ (VALorising European Research for Innovation in agriculturE and forestry), which concerns research to underpin innovation in the agri-rural sector.
The project has been developing ask-Valerie.eu, a digital but knowledgeable ‘assistant-expert’ or ‘virtual adviser’ for searching and retrieving research results from scientific sources. The tool is being developed (and tested) with input from stakeholders in case studies across Europe and this activity has been coordinated by CCRI.
The project has just released its 2016/17 Winter Newsletter, which gives details of the project progress over the past 12 months, including the ‘virtual adviser’ tool, as the project works towards delivering the tool for integration in the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) -AGRI Service Point platform to ensure its legacy.
[ddownload id=”12329″ text=”Download the VALERIE project Winter Newsletter 2016/17″]
Official VALERIE website