In late 2023, Professor Julie Ingram was one of over 160 participants at the Second International Conference on farmer-centric On-Farm Experimentation. Julie was a member of the Scientific and Organising Committee for the conference and presented findings from a UK workshop with Farmer Led Innovation Network (FLIN) on a Value Proposition Canvas for ‘On-Farm Experimentation’ (OFE), and facilitated break out groups discussing OFE Strategy and Implementation themes.
The proceedings from the event have now been published, which include an extensive collection of peer reviewed papers from the event, Keynote addresses and details pertaining to the organisation. The document can be accessed via the following link:
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on farmer-centric On-Farm Experimentation
The online event brought a range of scientists and practitioners together to discuss on-farm experimentation (OFE) from a number of disciplinary perspectives. Julie described the conference as “a rich source of varied material including interactive events, workshops, video presentations and the 23 peer-reviewed papers on this important emerging topic”.
The conference is part of a wider global network – ‘GOFEN’ – the Global On Farm Experimentation Network. This is an association of agricultural stakeholders dedicated to promoting and progressing farmer-centric On-Farm Experimentation as an innovation process to foster positive change. GOFEN’s purpose is to help connect these OFE communities across the globe, so that local initiatives can benefit from the critical mass of a global network.
If you would like further details about the OFE concept, Julie Ingram was a co-author of a paper published in 2022 in the journal ‘Nature Food’. This can be accessed via the following link:
Lacoste, M et al. 2022. On-farm experimentation to transform global agriculture. Nature Food, 3(1), pp.11-18.