Programme published for ‘Growing the Future’ workshop – Places limited – book your place now!

In 2017, the CCRI announced that it will be holding a Rural Policy workshop linked to Brexit on Thursday, 29th March, 2018.

The programme for the day has now been published and is available for download. [ddownload id=”15841″ text=”Download ‘Growing the Future’ programme “]

The workshop is free to attend and includes a Baxterstorey lunch, but numbers are limited and attendees must register and reserve their free place on the workshop’s Eventbrite page.

The workshop, which will take place at the University of Gloucestershire Oxstalls Campus in Gloucester, seeks to build on ideas from a range of industry experts, practitioners and existing discussions to identify priorities and ways to embed them into policy thinking, and ultimately action, so that food, farming and environment policy is fit for the challenges that lie ahead in the next 70 years.

The interactive workshop will be led by the CCRI and University of Gloucestershire, with help from external speakers and a wide range of partners to assist discussions across a number of areas. Although the focus is on Gloucestershire, the workshop aims to be pulling in thoughts from further afield.

Confirmed speakers include Sue Pritchard, Director of the The Food, Farming and Countryside CommissionProfessor Tim Langfrom City, University of London’s Centre for Food Policy and George Dunn, Chief Executive of the Tenant Farmers Association. After registration and coffee, the day will start with guest speakers outlining key issues to consider, before an open Q&A session. After lunch, attendees will be able to participate in two of the five interactive workshops:

  1. Trade issues
  2. Managing market uncertainty
  3. Food and energy futures
  4. Land, biodiversity and water management
  5. Social value and well-being

The plenary session will discuss and synthesise the key priorities emerging from the five workshops.

We envisage the outputs from this workshop will feed into a number of forums within and outside the county, including the recently formed RSA commission. The outcomes will be presented as a actions for both policy and organisations based on the discussion during the event.

Register for your free place now! 

[ddownload id=”15841″ text=”Download ‘Growing the Future’ programme “]