Julie Ingram who is currently at the University of Queensland, Brisbane conducting research as part of an OECD Research Fellowship is to present a paper at the ‘Innovations in Technology and Management for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals’ conference that is taking place at JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur, India. The conference, which takes place from 1st to 3rd February 2019, aims to ‘provide a platform, where the researchers, practitioners, educational institutes, private sector, government, policy makers, civil society, managers of agriculture and natural resources and other actors can significantly contribute in the transformation through discussions and evolution of solutions’.
The Sustainable Development goals of the United Nations, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, form the basis of the conference with academics invited to present papers based upon the 17 goals. Julie’s paper entitled ‘what role for agricultural science in supporting farmer innovation and adaptation’ will address goal two (SDG2), that of ‘zero hunger’ and the role of agricultural science in supporting farmer innovation and adaptation.
Concerning the paper, Julie said “this paper introduces current thinking and debates about the role of science in achieving SDG2, specifically how agricultural science can support adaptive decision making on farm and achieve more resilient farming systems. Sustaining food production and rural livelihoods depends to a great extent on how successfully knowledge is generated, applied and adapted in agriculture and on the capacity to produce and utilise such knowledge. Whilst a strong science and technological system has contributed to innovation and sustainable development, sustainable agriculture is complex and knowledge intensive, covering sociocultural, ecological and economic dimensions and requires collaborative approaches involving multiple actors. Examples of current collaborative approaches in which scientists and farmers work together problem solving and co producing knowledge are provided”.
As Julie is currently in Australia, she will be presenting the paper ‘virtually’ on 2nd February, More information concerning the conference can be found on its website, and conference brochure.