Help us to evaluate LEADER: On-line surveys for Managing Authorities and LAG Managers

A new study of LEADER, commissioned by DG AGRI, is currently underway, led by a partnership of the CCRI in the UK, ÖIR (Austria) and ADE (Belgium).  We want to know what makes LEADER work in different contexts, and how effectively it meets local needs.  We want to get input from all LAG Managers and from all Managing Authorities.

Help us to evaluate LEADER!

LAG Managers – tell us about your experiences in your LAG

  • Has the ability to fund all projects under Measure 19 given you greater flexibility or made implementation more efficient than in the previous programme period?
  • Tell us about the biggest obstacles to effective delivery of the goals of your LDS.
  • What changes would make your impact on rural development more effective?

Managing Authorities – tell us about your experience and perceptions of LEADER

  • Tell us where LEADER activity is most effective in your RDP area.
  • Does LEADER offer you distinct benefits that you cannot achieve using other rural development measures?
  • We want to hear what you perceive as the biggest challenges to ensuring good performance in LEADER delivery in your RDP area.

Online Surveys

Two on-line surveys are running which will be a vital source of information in the evaluation of LEADER.  Please help us by taking part in the survey and telling us about your experiences.

Both surveys will be open for 5 weeks: from 15th February to 23rd March 2021.

If you have specific questions about the on-line surveys or want further information, please contact: John Powell, Email:

To read more about the LEADER Evaluation project please visit the project page.