The CCRI team have launched a mini-consultation for young people aged 18-25 years from rural areas across England.
The consultation invites young people to have a say on what life is like there. Ten winners – chosen at random – will each receive a £10 Amazon voucher!

What do I have to do?
Answer the following questions in our online form by clicking here.
- What are the good things about living in your area for a young person? Please give examples.
- What are the challenges for young people living in your area? Please give examples.
- How could your area be made better for young people living there? You could think about things like transport links, education opportunities, employment opportunities, youth services, activities and clubs, leisure facilities and health services.
- Who is responsible for making your area a better place to live in for young people? Is it government, the local community, youth leaders, teachers, parents and guardians, young people themselves? Please tell us why.
- Do you think the community of your area listens to young people and what they want? How could this be done better?
- Do you see your future in your area? Why / why not?
You don’t have to answer all of them and there’s no need to write loads! There’s also no right or wrong answer.
Consultation Rules / Terms and Conditions
- To enter, you need to have been aged 18-25 on the 22nd March 2021
- Submissions should not name or refer to individual people (names or addresses etc.)
- To be eligible you must confirm that you spend time in what you consider to be a rural area or the area is of significance to you (e.g. you attend school / college / work there, regularly visit a Youth Club or associated services there, or regularly hang out with friends / visit friends / volunteer in the area)
- You can make one submission per person
- Keep it clean! – inappropriate submissions will not be included and will be deleted
- The text submitted should be your own work
- Entries received after the deadline on the 6th April 2021 (midnight) may be used in the research project but will not be entered into the prize draw
Get in touch if you have any questions about the consultation rules / T&Cs.
Why are we asking these questions?
The University of Gloucestershire have been asked by the Department for Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) to undertake a project on rural youth. The project aims to improve understanding of being a young person in rural areas. As part of this, we want to hear about your community from young peoples’ perspectives. We are also running a photo competition too!
What are the prizes?
🥇 10 winners will be chosen at random; each will win a £10 Amazon voucher
What will happen to my answers?
The research team will look at the answers write a short report about what they say / show.
Do I have to give my name?
You only need to give us your email address and confirm you are 18-25. Your email address will be stored in line with GDPR – which means the research team have to keep them safe. For more info, see our Privacy Notice, below.
How do I take part?
Use the link to our online form (here).
Do I have to give my name?
No. We will not include your name with your submission. We will need your email address but this will not be made public.
Can I withdraw my answers from the project?
Yes, but you have 30 days from the day you completed the consultation.
What do I do if I have any further questions?
Talk to us! Email us localperspectives@glos.ac.uk or call the research team on 01242 715314.
How do we know who won the prize draw?
We will contact the winners by email. Good luck!!
The above information is available to download as a PDF, below. Our consultation Privacy Notice can also be downloaded below.
For another opportunity to have your say, and be in with a chance of winning a further (up to) £50 of Amazon vouchers, you can also participate in our rural youth photo competition, here.