The CCRI is excited to announce that it has joined ‘Alternet’, a collaborative network of leading European research institutes. The move sees the CCRI join forces with over 30 natural and social science research bodies with the collective goal of “integrating their research capability to: assess changes in biodiversity, analyse the effect of those changes on different ecosystem services; and inform the public and policy makers at a European scale”.
The central aim is to deliver high quality evidence to inform the European science-policy interface on a wide range of issues concerning biodiversity and ecosystem services. The partnership provides training for young researchers via Summer Schools, organises conferences bringing together scientific, policy, stakeholder, and NGO perspectives and co-ordinating collaborative research activity within Europe and internationally.
Many of the network’s members are familiar to the CCRI team, as they have previously worked with them during Horizon 2020 research projects.
The venture, which was championed and organised by Chris Short said, “this is an excellent opportunity to continue existing partnerships with some old friends while at the same time developing new relationships with other top research centres across Europe. We are delighted that Alternet provides fantastic opportunities for our post-graduate students and early-career researchers, as well as extending the range of research we undertake, tackling some of the crucial challenges facing our world”.
Further details regarding the activities and scope of alternet can be found on its website. and you can follow them on Twitter @Alternet_Europe