Dan Keech is continuing to emphasise and extend CCRI’s work highlighting rural-urban interdependences through a new special issue announced on 27th February by the journal Frontiers in Sustainable Cities . Dan is working as co-editor alongside Dr Tarmo Pikner, a regional planner from Tallinn University in Estonia, and Assistant Professor Marlies Meijer, a spatial planner at Wageningen University in the Netherlands.
Earlier work at CCRI (for example on the EU-Horizon 2020 project ROBUST) emphasised regional, functional interdependences of rural and urban spaces including food, ecosystems services and public services. In this special issue, extended and distal relationships are to be explored more closely through the lens of global disruptions and uncertainties. These include the implications of rural-to-urban migration linked to climate change, the social justice implications of climate transition, the framing of rural places as resource repositories for cities, and the complex challenges of cross-regional and international governance. While some reverse mobilities emerged during the Pandemic, such as remote working and urban-to-rural enterprise relocation, and promise new social and economic potentials, they may not yet signal sustained patterns of spatial reconfiguration.
Abstracts are invited before 15th April 2023 and completed manuscripts will need to be submitted by 13th August. Full details can be found on the Journal website.
Please note that Frontiers is an open access title (publication fees will apply).