CCRI GLAMUR team, James Kirwan, Daniel Keech, Damian Maye and Dilshaad Bundhoo were in Rome from February 26th to 28th for EU-funded GLAMUR project meeting. At the turn of the first GLAMUR year, the meeting mainly focused on the following research areas: scoping & framing characterization (Delphi, National reports, overall report); case studies and quantitative data collection; the policy analysis preliminary results. The meeting was hosted by FIRAB (Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Agricoltura Biologica e Biodinamica) in the premises of the City of Alternative Economy (CAE) as well as in the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN). Dilshaad continues with her comments on the experience of the meeting…
“This first experience of European project meetings in Rome has been an enriching intellectual and social experience. As a Research Assistant putting a face on the names/mail addresses one has been dealing with for weeks is pretty enjoyable. Till now, I have mainly been engaged in WP2 (work package 2) mainly focusing on desk-based research and analysis. This project meeting has allowed me to get a glimpse of how my contribution as a research assistant fits into the full GLAMUR picture which consists of 7 work packages distributed across the 15 international partners.
Also, meeting with people passionate about their work and striving to give meaning and purpose to it the best they can, as a first year PhD student is quite insightful. One gets to understand that research is first and foremost long haul teamwork! Each and every one nourishes the other’s experience and learning. In fact, the journey, the process is indeed as much as, if not by far more important than the end-product…
Romans are warm and welcoming people. We were all three days busy working but at least on Thursday from the 8th floor of the FAO building, we were gifted with a timeless view: Rome stood there majestic, presenting to every mindful eye her age old beauty under a bright early afternoon…”