CCRI was recently successful in securing around £287,400 EU Horizon 2020 funding as part of a project called SoilCare (SoilCare for profitable and sustainable crop production in Europe).
The project began on 1st March and will continue for 5 years.
The project aims to identify and evaluate site-specific, soil-improving cropping systems and agronomic techniques that have positive impacts on profitability and sustainability in Europe. CCRI is one of 28 collaborating partners, led by Alterra, University of Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Jane Mills and Julie Ingram will be working on the project and their work will focus particularly on disseminating and communicating the research findings from the 16 study sites and ensuring effective knowledge exchange between the project and farmers.
Both Jane and Julie have also been working on other EU soil related projects – RECARE and Smartsoil.