Julie Ingram is attending the Agridemo F2F project technical review on 26th March in Brussels (Belguim) to represent the case study analysis Work Package which the CCRI leads.
An Agridemo team also attended the Forum for the Future of Agriculture in Brussels on 27th March. This forum has been contributing to the debate on agriculture and the environment in Brussels since 2008 and is now firmly established as a premier event where agriculture and environment meet each year for an open dialogue. The Forum brought together leaders from politics, industry and society, who highlighted the importance of biodiversity for healthy food production, presented emerging farming technologies and best practices in artificial intelligence and sustainable forest management among others, as well as considering options on how to reduce food waste.
Julie will also attend the Northern European Supra-regional meeting for both Agridemo and the sister project PLAID on Wednesday, 28th March, in Leuven (Belguim) to review the latest version of the FARMDEMO HUB with actors and stakeholders. This hub is an interactive geo-referenced inventory of open commercial farms that engage in demonstration activities in Europe.
The overall aim of Agridemo – BUILDING AN INTERACTIVE AGRIDEMO-HUB COMMUNITY: ENHANCING FARMER TO FARMER LEARNING – is to enhance peer-to-peer learning within the commercial farming community. The project will utilize the experience of different actors and involve practitioner partners throughout the project to deepen understanding of effective on farm demonstration activities (multi-actor approach). In a first step, the project will conduct a geo-referenced inventory of open commercial farms that engage in demonstration activities in Europe, detailing the sectors, themes and topics on which they provide expertise, and describe the mediation techniques they apply.
Check out the Agridemo newsletter.