Jane Mills and Chris Short co-authored a journal article that has just been published in Ecological Indicators. The paper has free access until 14th June, 2016.
The article was co-written with a team from the RECARE project, an EU FP7 funded project for which the CCRI is one of 27 project partners looking at measures to prevent and remediate against soil degradation in Europe.
Based on a review of current scientific debate, the paper aimed to produce a framework that could be used in the RECARE project to reflect the specific contribution that soils make to ecosystem services and that could reveal changes in ecosystems services caused by soil management and policies.
The highlights of the paper are:
• Integrating ecosystem services into land management decision-making is a challenge.
• An adapted framework for soil-related ecosystem services is needed; one is presented.
• It helps identify changes caused by soil management and policies impacting on soil.
• It will be used to single out the most beneficial land management measures.
• Consistent terminology and clarity enable practical application with stakeholders.
The full reference of the paper is: Schwilch, G., Bernet, L., Fleskens, L., Giannakis, E., Leventon, J., Maranon, T., Mills, J., Short, C., Stolte, J., van Delden, H.and Verzandvoor, S. (2016) Operationalizing ecosystem services for the mitigation of soil threats: A proposed framework. Ecological Indicators. Final version published online: 25-APR-2016, pp. 586-597 DOI information: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.03.016. Free access until 14th June, 2016.