Julie Ingram and Damian Maye have had a article published in a new book.
“Niche knowledge systems-challenging or invigorating the AKS? An analysis of the Permaculture community in England”, was published in AgroEcological Transitions : Changes and breakthroughs in the making. The book is edited by Boelie Elzen, Anna Maria Augustyn, Marc Barbier and Barbara van Mierlo.
Julie and Damian’s paper examines how knowledge systems within alternative innovative agricultural groups (niches) develop and interact with the mainstream AKS (agricultural knowledge systems) using the notion of boundaries. It draws on empirical data from a study of the permaculture community in England, a sub-niche entity.
Published by Wageningen University & Research, Applied Arable and Vegetable Research, the book is available online under a Creative Commons license. Julie and Damian’s article is on pages 35-48.