Tomorrow sees the publication of an important report from the House of Lords Select Committee on the Rural Economy. Appointed in May 2018, the committee invited written evidence from interested parties. The committee also consulted extensively with individuals and organisation, visited communities in Herefordshire and South Yorkshire and eventually received over 200 submissions of evidence.
The report covers a broad range of topics such as the rural economy, housing, service delivery and policies impacting upon rural areas. Extensive evidence has been gathered, is presented in the report as it seeks to address issues and identify solutions for rural areas in the current political climate.
CCRI Director Janet Dwyer was invited to be interviewed as part of the consultation process and spoke about the uncertainty that has been created in the farming community by Brexit. She also voiced concerns regarding the effects of austerity measures on those living in rural areas, as they have had a disproportionate effect on rural areas, and that many small family businesses struggle to expand due to there being insufficient support for them.
Within the report enitled ‘Time for a strategy for the rural economy’ Janet is cited on numerous occassions. It will be made available on April 27th 2019 on the Rural Economy Committee website.