CCRI Reader, Julie Ingram has now returned from her OECD Research Fellowship in Australia. For the final six weeks she was based again at the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences (SAFS) at the University of Queensland in Brisbane. She has been reviewing the use and development of decision support tools in the grains industry in Australia, where there has been a considerable experience of using model based tools to simulate crop responses, particularly with respect to climate uncertainty. Her review is based on the literature and interviews and workshops with representatives from academia, the science community, government departments and industry representatives and practitioners, with a focus on northern grain producers. She has also given seminars and presentations at the University of Queensland, the University of Melbourne and Curtin University, Perth.
Julie remarked that the fellowship was a busy but very enjoyable and rewarding experience and a great opportunity to meet new people and potential collaborators. She is now busy working on a report and paper and will be presenting a short seminar about her OECD Research Fellowship on May 23rd at CCRI which is based at Francis Close Hall campus of the University of Gloucestershire. The seminar is free to attend and all are welcome.
You can read more about Julie’s activities during her OECD Research Fellowship on the blog that she wrote whilst in Australia.