Hannah Chiswell awarded visiting scholarship at University of Helsinki

Dr Hannah Chiswell

CCRI researcher, Hannah Chiswell, has been awarded a visiting scholarship by the Ruralia Institute, University of Helsinki, at their Seinäjoki campus in western Finland. She will be working with their Director, Sami Kurki, and Senior Researcher, Merja Lähdesmäki, and will be using the time to write a joint grant application and scoping paper around the role of ‘Care Farming’ as an appropriate intervention for farmers and rural residents with dementia and will seek to compare and contrast examples from both the UK and Finland.

The University of Helsinki’s Ruralia Institute Visiting Scholars Programme is an opportunity for experienced scholars with experience in multidisciplinary rural research to visit the Ruralia Institute for a period of one to two months, supported during their stay by a monthly grant. These scholarships are open to holders of a PhD degree in a field relevant to the Ruralia Institute’s research profile.

Rural Finland