SURE-Farm policy booklet published – East of England arable farming

The CCRI is partner of the European project SURE-Farm “Towards SUstainable and REsilient EU FARMing systems” which lasted four years, from June 2017 to May 2021. The project, coordinated by Prof. M. Meuwissen of the Wageningen University & Research, investigated the issue of current and future resilience of farming systems in 13 EU countries. For the UK, the CCRI studied the resilience of the arable farming sector in the East of England.

As SURE-Farm is coming to an end, the CCRI released a booklet summarizing the key results and messages from the work conducted since 2017. The booklet reports impacts and recommendations for the social, economic and environmental context of the East of England arable farming system, in light of the changing agricultural policies after Brexit and of global challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. You can download the UK Case Study policy booklet below.

[ddownload id=”31731″ Text=”SURE-Farm UK Case Study”]

The SURE-Farm project has generated a number of journal articles and also a special issue of EuroChoices.