Valerie Case Study Partners test

ask valerie 392pxCCRI and other VALERIE project partners met in Amsterdam on 20th and 21st June to test out the latest version of, a digital but knowledgeable ‘assistant-expert’ or ‘virtual adviser’ being developed for searching and retrieving relevant results from scientific sources.

The meeting was an opportunity for the Case Study Partners who work with local stakeholders in agriculture and forestry to try out this new version of the search tool and feedback useful comments to the developers. This is part of a process of development and testing that is ongoing throughout the project.

CCRI coordinate the Case Study activities in the project.

VALERIE aims to improve outreach and translation of research in farming and forestry into practice. It is developing a smart retrieval system ( built around stakeholder and expert ontologies (vocabularies) and is extracting and summarising knowledge from national, international and EU research projects and studies concerning innovations in agriculture and forestry to provide a document base.

valerie workshop 2 June 2016
VALERIE project partners met in Amsterdam on 20th and 21st June, 2016

valerie workshop 3 June 2016

workshop June 2016


European_UnionThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613825.