Julie Ingram attended a VALERIE project workshop in Brussels on 1st June.
Also attending the workshop were representatives of national & regional farmer unions, AKIS Working Groups, the EIP-AGRI Service Point & EIP Operational Groups.
VALERIE (Valorising European Research for Innovation in Agriculture and Forestry) is an EU 7th Framework Programme project focusing on improving the flow of information between farmers, advisers and researchers to help drive innovation. It brings together fourteen partners from six countries across Europe and the CCRI is leading the main case study work package.
The workshop provided an update on the project and its approach to improving access to information and promoting innovation in agriculture and forestry. It also provided an opportunity for stakeholders to steer and give feedback on how the VALERIE project is progressing in relation to its aims of boosting innovation by facilitating knowledge exchange between practitioners and researchers.
Participants also discussed how VALERIE and the ask-Valerie.eu, the virtual adviser being developed in the project, can be integrated into current and future methods of accessing knowledge
Around 30 stakeholders participated in the workshop and provided positive feedback and comments for the project, which will be invaluable in the continued development of ask-Valerie.eu.
[ddownload id=”11168″ text=”Read more about Valerie”]