Jane Mills and Julie Ingram attended the 3rd plenary meeting of the SoilCare project between 28th May and 1st June at the Legoland Conference Centre in Billund, Denmark, hosted by two SoilCare partners, AgroIntelli and Aarhus University.
The SoilCare project is identifying and promoting promising soil-improving cropping systems and agronomic techniques that increase both the profitability and sustainability of agriculture in Europe. The project is due to finish in March 2021.
The meeting was attended by over 50 projects partners and involved discussions about project progress and future activities. There was even a participatory exercise to represent project impact goals using lego models. The final day involved a visit to the Askov Agricultural Research Centre (Aarhus University) to view the 120 years long-term experiments and technology developed by AgroIntelli, such as a weeding robot which some of the project study sites are testing to promote sustainable soil management.
A short video of the day’s activities can be viewed here.