Phil Staddon guest Editor of Climate Change Stewardship themed journal

Phil Staddon, principal lecturer and researcher at CCRI is guest editing a forthcoming issue of ‘Cogent Environmental Science‘, a multidisciplinary open access journal, publishing peer-reviewed research across the full scope of environmental science: from ecology to conservation and environmental health to waste management. The issue in question is scheduled to be published in early 2021.

Climate change is one the great challenges facing humanity over the next few decades. The impacts of climate change are already being felt with the health and well-being of billions of people at risk. Dr Staddon says “climate change will impact all aspects of society including health, and this has been highlighted by both the World Health Organisation and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change”. He is guest editing a timely special issue on climate change stewardship in the open access journal Cogent Environmental Science published by Taylor and Francis.

Details regarding submissions for consideration can be found on the journal’s special issue page. The deadline for articles is 30th September 2020. The guest editors will accept narrative and systematic review papers, meta-analysis papers, original research papers, opinions / commentaries but the emphasis should be on the first two types.