CCRI researchers Julie Ingram, Hannah Chiswell and Jane Mills have been working on this EU funded H2020 project AgriDemo-F2F (Enhancing farmer to farmer learning). Their focus was the effectiveness of the different approaches in demonstration farms and programmes.
Farm demonstrations have proved to be one of more enduring mechanisms for providing advice to farmers and facilitating innovation, and have a long tradition in Europe. However, the landscape of advisory services and Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems is changing, so it is timely to reappraise what role they play. The team (together with Agridemo partners) looked specifically at the programmes that deliver demonstration and their role in the wider agricultural advisory landscape. The research reported in this paper drew on data collected from 35 demonstration programmes across Europe and provides a new perspective on how demonstrations interact with the advisory contexts. Please contact the authors ( for further details.
The full reference for the article is:
Julie Ingram, Hannah Chiswell, Jane Mills, Lies Debruyne, Hanne Corremman, Alex Koutsouris, Yiorgos Alexopoulos, Eleni Pappa & Fleur Marchand (2021) Situating demonstrations within contemporary agricultural advisory contexts: analysis of demonstration programmes in Europe, The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, DOI: 10.1080/1389224X.2021.1932534