Janet Dwyer gives evidence to House of Lords Rural Economy Committee

CCRI Director, Professor Janet Dwyer, gave evidence to the House of Lords Rural Economy Committee on Tuesday 10th July.

Janet spoke about the uncertainty that has been created in the farming community by Brexit and the financial challenges that lie ahead due to the changes in agricultural support. She also said that the sustained period of austerity in public services over the period since the financial crisis in 2008 is something that has had a disproportionate effect on rural areas and has impacted the rural economy, in particular rural service provision, which in turn affects rural quality of life.

Janet backed up her evidence with work that she has recently carried out for the Welsh Government and expressed her concerns at ‘hidden deprivation’ in rural areas due to an ageing population and relatively low incomes.

You can hear all of Janet’s evidence on Parliamentary TV below:

Janet’s evidence was also reported on BBC Radio Gloucestershire.