Call to demonstration farms in Wales for EU Agridemo-F2F project

Julie IngramJane Mills and Hannah Chiswell are currently building on CCRI’s long history of researching how farmers learn from their own on-farm experiences and from other farmers on a new EU H2020 project Agridemo-F2F (Building an interactive Agridemo–Hub community enhancing farmer to farmer learning), which commenced in January 2017.

This project is looking specifically at the role of demonstration in farmer to farmer (F2F) learning. 

In a first step, the project is conducting a geo-referenced inventory of open commercial farms that engage in demonstration activities in Europe, detailing the sectors, themes and topics on which they provide expertise, and describe the mediation techniques they apply.

The data collection for the inventory has now commenced and the project is appealing for farmers in Wales involved in demonstration activities to identify themselves or expect to be contacted by the research team.

Agridemo website

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