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CCRI Director, Professor Janet Dwyer, spent two months over the summer in Kyoto, Japan, where she took up an OECD Research Fellowship.
Janet was hosted by the laboratory of landscape architecture in the Division of forest and biomaterials science, Kyoto University. She spent her time researching the governance of Japan’s Satoyama cultural landscapes.
These landscapes and the environmental initiative that now bears their name are testament to a growing awareness of the need for sustainable land management which is embedded within both socio-cultural and natural value-systems, in the developed and developing world.
Janet investigated how policies at national, regional and local levels have supported or hindered the growth and development of Satoyama initiatives and actions across Japan and compared this experience with emerging contemporary UK landscape-scale experiments and understanding in policy. The aim was to generate innovative approaches to sustainable land and natural resources management in high value cultural landscapes, to inform future UK, EU and Japanese policy, contributing to the growing international body of research on policies for sustainable management of land and nature, and to develop and extend fruitful Anglo-Japanese research collaborations on this topic.
Janet’s research linked to CCRI’s research on uplands and cultural landscapes and also the EU Horizon 2020 PEGASUS research project, which is investigating the provision of public goods and ecosystem services from agriculture and forestry, aiming to unlock the synergies between economic and environmental benefits for society.