New papers on urban agriculture and city food networks

Polytunnels in Bristol

Matt Reed and Dan Keech have been successful in penning several papers on urban agriculture and city food networks over the past few months.

The following two papers have recently been published:

Reed, M. and Keech, D. (2017) Gardening cyberspace—social media and hybrid spaces in the creation of food citizenship in the Bristol city-region, UK. Landscape Research. doi:10.1080/01426397.2017.1336517

Grivins, M., Keech, D., Kunda, I. and Tisenkopfs, T. (2017) Bricolage for self-sufficiency: an analysis of alternative food initiatives structures. Sociologia Ruralis. Special Edition, July. Volume 57, Issue 3 . Pages 340-356. DOI: 10.1111/soru.12171

The following papers are currently in press:

Reed, M. and Keech, D. (2017 – in press) Making the city smart from the grassroots up: the sustainable food networks of Bristol. City Culture and Society.

Urban farming in Ghent, Belguim

Koopmans, M., Keech, D., Sovovà, L. and Reed, M. (2017 – in press) Urban agriculture as a place-making tool: narratives about place and space in Ghent, Brno and Bristol. Moravian Geographical Reports.

Last, but not least, “The ‘Hungry Gap’: Twitter, Local Press Reporting and Urban Agriculture Activism’ has been accepted for publication by Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems.

Dr Matt Reed
Dr Dan Keech