Dr Julie Ingram and Jane Mills are attending a SmartSOIL one-day conference, which takes place this Wednesday, 30 September, in Brussels.
SmartSOIL is funded by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community and involves twelve partner organisations from Denmark, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, France, Germany, Poland, Belgium Hungary and the UK. The overarching aim of SmartSOIL is to contribute to reversing the current degradation trend of European agricultural soils by improving soil carbon management in soils of arable and mixed farming systems covering intensive to low-input and organic farming systems. The CCRI has been taking a key role leading one of the Work Packages.
The conference is free of charge and offers opportunities for exchange and networking for up to 100 participants from all over Europe. The event will bring together representatives of the European Commission, European Parliament, farmer unions and advisory services, NGOs, Member States and regional authorities, as well as researchers. Download programme and conference information
There are still some places available. Go to this link if you wish to register to attend the conference.
For more information, please contact smartsoil-conference@ecologic-events.eu