Janet Dwyer and Dan Keech at the Urban Futures 2 Symposium

Dan Keech presenting at the Urban Futures symposium
Dan Keech presenting at the Urban Futures symposium

Janet Dwyer and Dan Keech were at the Urban Futures 2 Symposium last week (5th to 7th September), which took place in Rousham Gardens, north of Oxford

The symposium is organised by the University of Gloucestershire’s Landscape Architecture team in collaboration with the CCRI and aims to research the territory between rurality and urbanity in the 21st century.

This year’s event welcomed academics from China, Hong Kong, Japan and Vietnam.

Janet Dwyer chaired one of the sessions, at which Dan Keech presented a paper on urban agriculture and place-making, which has been accepted for publication in the journal Moravian Geographical Reports and is due to be published in October 2017.

CCRI PhD student,Yao Guo and Joo-In Seong, who is from the Korea Rural Economic Institute and is spending a sabbatical year as a visiting researcher in the CCRI, also made contributions.

Also speaking at the symposium was CCRI Advisory Board member, Judy Ling Wong.