Rural housing survey deadline extended to 17th September

The deadline for completing the online rural housing survey has been extended to 17th September.  All valid completions completed by that date will have a chance of winning one of ten £10 Amazon vouchers.

This is the second survey that the CCRI has compiled for Rural Services Network (RSN) and Rural England.  It follows up on the survey that was conducted in the summer of 2017 in which rural stakeholders were invited to participate to help shape a new agenda for the countryside.

As the UK prepares to exit the EU and we look ahead at key challenges and opportunities, there is a great deal of discussion about the future of rural areas.  Housing, its location, quality, accessibility and condition, is something that concerns all of us and was one of the prime concerns highlighted in the 2017 survey.

As per the previous survey, this new survey seeks the opinions and experiences of residents of rural areas in England to help Rural England better understand housing issues and to draw together ideas for solutions. By completing the survey, you can help us try to make sure that politicians and policies are more informed about what really goes on, and what is needed, at the local level across the country.

The survey can be completed here.