Another two articles have just been accepted for publication with researchers from CCRI taking the lead role in authorship.
In the forthcoming special issue of ‘Forests’, Julie Urquhart is lead author of a paper which explores public concern about ash dieback in England and relates to work undertaken as part of the UNPICK (Understanding public risk in relation to tree health) project. This was funded jointly by a grant from BBSRC, Defra, ESRC, the Forestry Commission, NERC and the Scottish Government, under the Tree Health and Plant Biosecurity Initiative in 2014-2017. It involved researchers from Imperial College London, Bath University and Forest Research.
The full reference for Julie’s paper is:
The special issue, of which Julie is also a guest editor, is entitled “Understanding Forest Health under Increasing Climate and Trade Challenges: Social System Considerations” and is available online.
Meanwhile, Damian Maye is lead author on a paper which assesses the social imapcts of attempts to reduce animal disease on farms in England. The paper draws on longitudinal qualitative and quantitative research, has been written with long-time collaborators Gareth Enticott and Rhiannon Naylor and relates to the Badger Vaccine Deployment Project.
The paper will be published later this year in Sociologia Ruralis, with its full reference being:
- Maye, D., Enticott, G. and Naylor, R. (2019 – in press) Theories of Change in Rural Policy Evaluation. Sociologia Ruralis, in press.