During the summer holiday period, researchers from CCRI received the news that a further five papers have either been published or accepted for publication.
In June, Mauro Vigani was joined by CCRI colleagues and David Rose from the University of Reading on a paper published in EuroChoices entitled ‘Post-Brexit Policies for a Resilient Arable Farming Sector in England‘. The paper discusses the main strategies that are currently taken by English arable farmers to improve resilience using evidence from a large‐scale survey in the East of England. The full reference for the article is:
- Vigani, Mauro, Urquhart, Julie, Black, Jasmine, Berry, Robert, Dwyer, Janet C and Rose, David (2020) Post-Brexit Policies for a Resilient Arable Farming Sector in England. EuroChoices. doi: 10.1111/1746-692X.12255 (In Press)
Julie Urquhart and Mauro Vigani were also co-authors on another paper due to be published shortly, again in EuroChoices. Entitled ‘Risk management and its role in enhancing perceived resilience capacities of farms and farming systems in Europe‘, the article synthesises lessons learned on risk management based on a farm survey, interviews with farmers, and focus groups involving a range of farming systems actors. The full reference for the article is:
- Spiegel, Alisa, Soriano, Bárbara, de Mey, Yann, Slijper, Thomas, Urquhart, Julie, Bardaji, Isabel, Vigani, Mauro, Severini, Simone and Meuwissen, Miranda (2020) Risk management and its role in enhancing perceived resilience capacities of farms and farming systems in Europe. EuroChoices. (In Press).
Mauro was also co-author on a paper that stemmed from the SUFISA project. He was joined by CCRI colleagues Damian Maye, Hannah Chiswell and recently retired James Kirwan. The paper, which has been published in Land Use Policy aims to analyse how farming systems in five European countries (Denmark, Greece, France, Latvia, and the United Kingdom) have reacted to the emerging instability of the milk market. The paper drew on on statistical data regarding dairy production and farm structure supported by qualitative and quantitative data from case studies in the five countries. The full reference for the article is:
- Thorsoe, Martin, Noe, Egon, Maye, Damian , Vigani, Mauro , Kirwan, James , Chiswell, Hannah Marie, Grivins, Mikelis, Adamsone-Fiskovica, Anda, Tisenkopfs, Talis, Tsakalou, E, Aubert, Pierre-Marie and Loveluck, William (2020) Responding to change: farming system resilience in a liberalized and volatile dairy market. Land Use Policy, 99. Art no 105029. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.105029

Building on his COVID-19 learning resource, Damian Maye and long-term collaborator Gareth Enticott have had a paper accepted for publication in Frontiers in Veterinary Science. The paper suggests that the current crisis unfolding in the UK is not unprecedented, and that it is ‘it is foretold in accounts of successive animal health crises’. The paper can be downloaded from the University of Gloucestershire’s repository and is entitled ‘Missed Opportunities? Covid-19, Biosecurity and One-Health in the United Kingdom’. Its full reference is:
- Enticott, Gareth and Maye, Damian (2020) Missed Opportunities? Covid-19, Biosecurity and One-Health in the United Kingdom. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7. Art No 577. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2020.00577
Finally, CCRI Director Janet Dwyer led on a paper that has just been accepted for publication in Ecosystem Services. Chris Short was one of a small number of co-authors of the paper entitled ‘Fostering resilient agro-food futures through a Social-Ecological Systems framework: public-private partnerships for delivering ecosystem services in Europe’. The paper which stems from the PEGASUS project discusses the theoretical concepts of ecosystem services or public goods and uses two case studies to illustrate these concepts.