Julie Ingram is currently leading a CCRI team in a four-year EU FP7 funded project called VALERIE (VALorising European Research for Innovation in agriculturE and forestry), which concerns research to underpin innovation in the agri-rural sector.
As part of the VALERIE project dissemination, Julie is presenting a paper this week at the 14th European Rural Development Network Conference: Knowledge sharing and innovation in agriculture and rural areas, which is taking place in Budapest, Hungary, from 3rd to 5th October 2016.
The paper is entitled Integrating co-innovation into research translation: developing a stakeholder-driven methodology (in the Valerie project), which Julie wrote together with Peter Gaskell, Jane Mills, Janet Dwyer and Pieter de Wolf, one of the project partners from the University of Wageningen.
The presentation will be followed by a VALERIE workshop and a demonstration of ask-Valerie.eu, a digital but knowledgeable ‘assistant-expert’ or ‘virtual adviser’ being developed for searching and retrieving relevant results from scientific sources.
In the light of many policy programmes and instruments, which have been developed from a western EU perspective, being implemented across the EU despite the great variety of agricultural and rural circumstances, and in particular the continuing differences between post-socialist Member States and other parts of the EU in terms of farm structure, social attitudes and so on, the conference will ask whether they can be successfully implemented in the eastern EU or whether a different approach is needed.
The conference will provide a platform for researchers and policy makers in eastern central Europe to share their experiences and ideas on how knowledge sharing and innovation can best be encouraged in agriculture and rural areas of the eastern EU in order to influence the post-2020 agenda.
The overall aim of VALERIE is to boost the outreach of research by facilitating the integration into innovative field practices. More information can be found on the VALERIE website.
Valerie can also be followed on Twitter – @Valerie_project