Marco Della Gala is currently in Brussels, representing the EU Sofia project at the TRADEIT and Trafoon Networks joint closing conference, entitled ‘Open to Innovation: Networks for the sustainability of Traditional Food Sector in Europe’ that aims to share a vision for the future development of the SME food sector in Europe.
TRADEIT – Traditional Food: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Transfer is a project funded by the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme. It is a multidisciplinary, multi-sectorial collaborative project supporting a Network of Traditional Food SMEs and Food Researchers in the areas of Collaboration, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Knowledge and Technology Transfer to increase the competitiveness and inter-regional advantage of Traditional Food Producing SMEs.
Marco Della Gala participated to the TRADEIT Entrepreneurship Summer Academy 2015 at the University of Insurbia in Como. The project SOFIA and Marco’s successful participation to the Marie-Sklodowska Curie Individual Fellowship (call 2015) led the TRADEIT coordinator to choose Marco as an example of best practice of how the Entrepreneurship Summer Academy stimulated and helped PhD students in their career development. Thus, Marco has been invited to present his project at the TRADEIT closing conference in Brusseles .
The conference will present outcomes, best practices and recommendations from the TRADEIT and Trafoon projects with a special focus on:
- Vision for the Development of SME Food Sector in Europe
- SME Case Studies: Successes and Impacts of the TRADEIT & Trafoon Projects
- Best Practice Developed on Knowledge Exchange to SMEs
- Integrating Entreprenneurial Thinking into Food Research Centres
- Role of Networks and Intermediaries for the Support of SMEs
The conference runs on 19th and 20th October 2016.