CCRI’s Dan Keech will be attending the 10th Ecosystems Services Partnership (ESP) conference in Hanover, Germany, taking place from 21st-25th October 2019. ESP is an international network dedicated to enhancing science, policy and practice in ecosystem services in conservation and sustainability. Around 750 delegates are expected to attend the event, which will be guided by the motto “10 years advancing ecosystem services science, policy and practice for a sustainable future”. ESP “connects over 3000 ecosystem services scientists, policy makers and practitioners who work together in more than 40 Working Groups…on all continents”.
Dan’s involvement is part of CCRI’s participation in the Horizon 2020 project ROBUST. Working with James Blockley from Gloucestershire County Council, Dan will be discussing natural flood management in Gloucestershire in a conference session called ‘Governance of Ecosystems Services for urban-rural synergies‘.
More information regarding the conference can be found on the ESP website.