Researchers from the CCRI have had another spate of success regarding publications, with three articles being accepted in recent weeks.
Rob Berry, CCRI’s GIS specialist is co-author of a paper entitled ‘Exploring the potential of Google Earth as a communication and engagement tool in collaborative Natural Flood Management planning‘, which has been published in The Geographical Journal. The paper’s lead author is Katherine Smith, a former CCRI Masters’ student. The paper stems from the work conducted by Katherine during her course where she was supervised by Rob and Lucy Clarke, Senior Lecturer from the University of Gloucestershire who is a second co-author.
The paper details the use and potential of Google Earth as a tool for engaging with rural communities that had suffered severe flooding, as they seek to reduce the effects of future events by implementing Natural Flood Management (NFM) practices. Rob commented that “Geographical Information Systems (GIS) typically have numerous layers of complex information. These aren’t accessible to most people, just those familiar with specialist software, but by using Google Earth we were able to make the information much more accessible which built trust and increased engagement in the entire NFM process”.
The full reference for the article is:
- Smith, Katherine, Berry, Robert and Clarke, Lucy E (2019) Exploring the potential of Google Earth as a communication and engagement tool in collaborative Natural Flood Management planning. Geographical Journal. pp. 1-15. ISSN 0016-7398 (In Press)
Damian Maye is co-author on two articles both concerning Badger vaccination which have been written as a result of the social science study of the Badger Vaccination Deployment Project which ran from 2010-2015.
A few weeks ago, an article was accepted for publication in Sociologica Ruralis, entitled ‘Theories of Change in Rural Policy Evaluation’. Written with long-terms academic partners Gareth Enticott and Rhiannon Naylor, the paper ’employs a theory driven approach to policy evaluation to assess the social impacts of attempts to reduce animal disease on farms in England.’
Earlier this week, a second paper authored by Damian was also accepted for publication in the journal ‘Vaccine’. This was also written with Gareth and Rhiannon, with further contributions from Lucy Brunton, Sara Downs and Christl Donnelly and is entitled ‘An Assessment of Risk Compensation and Spillover Behavioural Adaptions Associated with the use of Vaccines in Animal Disease Management’. The paper examines longitudinal data from the project and seeks to address gaps in the literature relating to farmers’ behavioural adaptations to vaccine use in the management of animal diseases.
Concerning these papers, Damian said “they are likely to be the last ones from the BVDP to be published. In total we have written ten articles, that I will pass on to Defra, as it will be an important resource for them in tackling Bovine TB.”
Full refereneces for the articles are:
- Maye, Damian, Enticott, Gareth and Naylor, Rhiannon (2019) Theories of Change in Rural Policy Evaluation. Sociologia Ruralis. ISSN 0038-0199 (In Press)
- Enticott, Gareth, Maye, Damian, Fisher, Rhiannon, Brunton, Lucy, Downs, Sara H and Donnelly, Christl A (2019) An Assessment of Risk Compensation and Spillover Behavioural Adaptions Associated with the use of Vaccines in Animal Disease Management. Vaccine. ISSN 0264-410X (In Press)