Over the last few weeks, Gloucestershire Local Enterprise Partnership released their Economic Recovery Plan for the county, working in line with the ongoing COVID-19 matters. Here, they have shown interest in the opportunities that arose through increased buying and selling of local produce in the county during lockdown and are keen to see how this can lead to increased enterprise and growth while also maintaining a more sustainable food system.
A short survey has been prepared, with the aim of trying to reach as many local producers and farmers as possible to gather information from across the county. The survey covers the different product types, the volumes they are made in, how they are distributed and future interests of selling locally. Professor Damian Maye of Agri-food studies at the CCRI said ‘It would be really great to get as many businesses involved as possible. This research is important as it will provide useful baseline data on Gloucestershire food chains to inform dynamic procurement work in the county and region. This work will then be adding to the existing Gloucestershire Food Strategy and will be coordinated by FWAG South West in collaboration with NFU Gloucestershire and CCRI.’
If you wish to participate in this survey, please click here.