Chris Short and Janet Dwyer attended a PEGASUS workshop – ‘How to enhance the sustained provision of public goods through farming – a focus on the CAP’ – in The Hague on 16th November.
The workshop was attended by Marjolijn Sonnema, Director-General Agriculture & Nature at the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands.
The PEGASUS project is now entering its final stages and the event was one of a series where the emerging findings of the project are being shared with a number of stakeholders.
Chris presented the PEGASUS toolkit, which has been developed based on the 34 project case studies. The toolkit is designed to help deliver projects and initiatives to produce environmentally and socially beneficial outcomes, though recognises that this can be very challenging. The project has shown that there are often many barriers that prevent projects and initiatives achieving success. Our partners have shown that there is a demand for a toolkit of proven methods and techniques which can be used by people and organisations to achieve success.
The toolkit is essentially a structured collection of possible actions to help develop and guide projects and initiatives, which can be adapted to suit local circumstances, using a variety of methods. Its main purpose is to illustrate actions that have worked in the PEGASUS case studies, which are sufficiently widely applicable that they could work in other local projects and initiatives.
In the presentation, Chris addressed key questions, such as what is the best way to make the toolkit accessible to the people and organisations who need it, as well as how we can learn from experiences of using the toolkit.
A new film has just been released for the CCRI case study for the PEGASUS project, WILD (Water & Integrated Local Delivery). WILD is a collaborative project which has brought local communities and landowners together in understanding and getting involved in the management of local water courses. With local community input it also devised and delivered a plan of enhancements over a three year period.
PEGASUS Case Study – The WILD Project UK from novadada on Vimeo.