Damian Maye is co-author of a new publication that has just been accepted by the journal ‘Sustainability’. Working with a number of other academics, the paper, whose lead author is Marina Knickel, is an output from the ROBUST (Rural-Urban Outlooks: Unlocking Synergies) Horizon 2020 project.
Due to be published shortly, the paper outlines the framework developed to monitor learning in the project, which in transdisciplinary (i.e. it involves working closely with practice partners to co-develop governance experiments (in ‘living labs’), so requires a careful reflexive process to monitor learning and adjust the work as necessary). The paper also provides an extensive review of the transdisciplinary literature.
The paper is also the first output from PhD student Marina Knickel, who is studying transdisciplinarity at the University of Pisa, and when published will be available on an open access basis.
The full reference for the paper is:
Knickel, M., Knickel, K., Galli, F., Maye, D. and Wiskerke, J.S.C. (2019 – in press) Towards a reflexive framework for fostering co-learning and improvement of transdisciplinary collaboration. Sustainability, in press.