Janet Dwyer gives evidence at Cornish Economic Growth & Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee Inquiry

Earlier this week (Wednesday 18th November), CCRI Director Janet Dwyer gave evidence to the Members of the Economic Growth and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee as part of an inquiry concerning the economic vitality of rural and coastal areas in Cornwall.

Cornwall council are investigating how they can increase the economic vitality of rural and coastal areas, and to this end are conducting the following activities:

1.  To review the current state of the economy in rural and coastal areas in Cornwall and consider future economic forecasts if current trends continue and to consider the necessary and desirable interactions between the rural economy and local towns in Cornwall.

2.  To consider what support is already available/planned for rural and coastal areas in Cornwall and investigate alternative methods of stimulating the economy or rural and coastal areas (i.e. by taking evidence from other parts of the UK and EU).

3.  To consider the potential impact of different intervention strategies and make recommendations on how the Council can contribute and support the development of the economy in rural and coastal areas in Cornwall

Calling on her own expertise and work conducted by CCRI, Janet presented her views and position on rural and coastal vitality in Cornwall, which was then explored by members of the committee. Joining her in giving evidence were, amongst others, representatives from the Local Action Group and Fisheries representatives.

Full details of the various meetings that have taken place relating to this inquiry can be found on the Cornwall Council website.