Over the summer we were very pleased to be able to recognise the achievements of two of our colleagues. Dilshaad Bundhoo, who has recently finished working on the two-year Economic and Social Research Council funded project ‘RUST – Rurality as a Vehicle for Urban Sanitation‘ as a Post-Doctoral Research Assistant, and Katarina Kubinakova, who has worked extensively on rural development programmes amongst other interests, have both been promoted to Research Fellow.
Moving to a different role is Amr Khafagy. He will switch from making general contributions to our research programme, to taking up the dedicated Research Assistant post for the Research England funded National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise (NICRE) project.
Katarina Kubinakova Dilshaad Bhundoo Amr Khafagy Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins Charlotte Chivers Ella Rowe
We are also pleased to welcome to our team, three new colleagues.
Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins joins us as a Senior Research Fellow from Aberystwyth University. Bryonny will be leading much of the CCRI’s contribution to the Research England funded National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise (NICRE) project.
Charlotte Chivers joins us from University of Exeter where she is completing her PhD and from Reading University where she has been working as a Research Assistant on the LANDWISE project. Charlotte will be working as a Research Assistant on a number of projects, but especially on the EU Horizon 2020 funded ‘SPRINT – Sustainable Plant Protection Transition: A Global Health Approach‘ project which has also recently started.
Ella Rowe has joined us as our Placement Student for the year, taking a year out from her degree in Agricultural Business Management at the University of Reading.