PhD student seeking survey responses

CCRI PhD student Berglind Karlsdóttir has just launched a survey on the impacts of tree planting on people’s values and wellbeing. Berglind focuses on three case study areas: The National Forest and two sites in the Northern Forest – north-eastern areas of Leeds and Skipton.

Over the last few months Berglind has been conducting fieldwork in the three case study areas. This has included visiting diverse tree planting sites and promoting her survey locally. She hopes to hear from a range of local residents in those areas and learn more about their experiences of tree planting.

Berglind particularly wants to understand why some people might perceive tree planting as positive while others might hold more negative views, how those views are affected by the familiarity of planted sites and the values people hold for those places, and how tree planting can affect the wellbeing benefits they receive when seeing or spending time in recently planted areas. She is also especially interested to learn how all this might change over time, and the survey will therefore be repeated in four years time.

As an incentive for completing her survey, there are three £50 retail vouchers available for three lucky individuals.

To complete Berglind’s survey, please visit:

Berglind is supervised by Julie Urquhart, Rob Berry (CCRI) and Liz O’Brien (Forest Research). You can find out more about her work on her student profile.