Chris Short and the CCRI have been working with the Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group South West (FWAG SW), the Cotswold Water Park Trust (CWPT) and Gloucestershire Rural Community Council to develop the Cotswold Water Park WILD Project (Water Framework Directive (WFD) with Integrated Local Delivery). A project newsletter for Autumn/Winter 2015 has just been published and can be downloaded. [ddownload id=”8891″ text=”Download latest WILD newsletter”]
The WILD project (Water with Integrated Local Delivery) is a partnership of primarily the four organisations noted above, working together to bring about environmental improvements to the rivers and other watercourses of the Cotswold Water Park. The project is mainly funded by the Environment Agency with additional top-up funding sourced through in-kind contributions and grant funders.
Project Officers are engaging with local communities and landowners to encourage them to get directly involved in
understanding local water courses and their management. With local community input we are also devising and
beginning to deliver plans of enhancements over the three year period of the project.
As part of CCRI’s 3-year project evaluation, the final phase will take place during December and early 2016. Input will be requested from farmers and land owners, community groups, parishes/town councils and local authorities (in
addition to project partners). The questionnaires will be sent out by email, as previously, but some will be carried out by telephone or face-to-face. The surveys aim to understand how each group has been involved with the project along with capturing their perspectives on the impact of the project. This is really important so that the lessons can be learnt and taken forward more widely.